BlanbozBlanboz - smart renewables

Community Projects & Training

Throughout my life, I have always been engaged with the community across a range of areas, from cooking to completing feasibility studies for the electrification of rural villages. For example, I conducted a feasibility study to provide electricity for basic needs in Niquinohomo, Nicaragua by using solar PV and lead-acid (car) batteries. I have supported different NGOs in developing countries via the technical analysis of both feasibility and the economic factors required to develop potential projects with a positive impact for rural areas that need them most. I strongly believe that electricity should be a commodity accessible to all, not just a few. 

If you have a project, and the community is involved in either full or shared ownership, or you have a renewable energy co-operative that would like to invest as a community partner in a solar PV or BESS project, I can work with you as your TA or representative. I can support you in liaising with developers with technical matters to make sure that your project is in the interest of the community. 

Alternatively, if you are an NGO investing in renewable energy projects to have a positive impact in developing or deprived countries, I am more than happy to discuss your project and my volunteering options


There is no better knowledge or skill than the one you share. Therefore, if you or your team are keen to expand your skillset and knowledge base, I offer training sessionstailored to your needs
